Hope for Western civilisation
An exercise in creative conceptualisation.
A 2000 word work of non-academic fiction—i.e. marketing—devised in January of 2022 in response to a question posed by an Australian university. The central theme revolves around a make-believe theory delineated by the acronym CGC. The term CGC stands for Cross Gamut Cooperation. Since CGC is an imaginary solution, it does not require references, citations or facts. Any similarity to known strategies which may or may not be in circulation within governments worldwide is purely coincidental.
The question posed by the university was as follows:
How should the champions of Western civilisation reply to its critics today?
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Mutual cooperation and integration within and between the world's freest societies serves as a top tier outcome for the symbiosis and proper evolution of mankind.
Free cultures thrive on critique, error, evaluation and rectification within safe harbour. To reply to enquirers of such values is to strengthen cross-gamut co-operation. Harmony amongst entities including nation states and their peoples is desirable, particularly if change management initiatives currently unique to certain democratic systems of governance are to be considered important objectives. Cross-gamut cooperation (CGC) is an interdependent systems theory capable of assisting integration and managing its effects in ways which encourage palatable competition amongst individuals, groups and cultures. It operates in a safe and lawful democratic environment.
The aim of CGC is to control for chaos and maximise for symbiosis. It is a phenomena based change management model which allows for pollination of beliefs and attitudes into an established social ecosystem for the function of analysis and testing.
Countries who adopt CGC can expect concurrent outcomes within their respective borders (internal variant) and between themselves and other practicing countries (external variant).
The travel and reach of CGC can be better understood by its effectual resonance (shape, pattern, movement and speed - see figure 1). Expressions of CGC generally arise from a single event. Upon inception, change dynamics generated by CGC are scaleable throughout its continuum.
CGC operates randomly and is bio-directional, meaning it takes on a life of its own. It is measured by how successfully initiatives are adopted by those under its influence. CGC can materialise, speed up, slow down, stagnate and cease.
It is possible for new instances of CGC to form and develop interdependently. This is especially true where its umbilicals intersect; however, new cases can be generated at any time.
The foundations of Western civilisation are the perfect grounds on which to practice CGC.
Historically Western civilisations have experimented with early variants of CGC for millennia. The geographically close proximity of differing cultures in Europe has led to territorial disputes and acquisitions for generations.
Today Europe manages diversity in an increasingly cooperative manner. The way in which parts of modern day Europe manage integration could be considered one of the bases on which CGC is predicated.
Is CGC good for Australia and the world?
Australia is a young nation which benefits from broadening definitions of integration. Diversity is not celebrated in many countries, including some democracies. In contrast, Australia's cultural landscape has been transformed by encouraging immigration from around the globe. This has led to steady cultural depolarisation (multiculturalism) over several decades. The highly faceted augmenting of Australia's demographic elevates the nation's strategic relevance within the Asia-Pacific. Australia's history of honouring democracy and Western civil liberties firmly establishes it as a country of emerging geopolitical significance.
Australia and other Western nations cannot afford to slow the desirable effects multiculturalism is having on their operations worldwide. CGC is a good way to assist the ongoing manifestation of culture which is sure to continue within and between Western styles of government and democracies worldwide.
CGC is good for Australia because it allows for a vast and diverse flow of attitudes to be put into question. It augments existing culture by being the conduit through which to work out grievances. It is also a method of examining the success of various initiatives in order to evaluate and refine their currency.
CGC allows for different cultural attitudes to evolve over time. Its aim is to bargain with the human condition before generating relative harmony, neutralising the need for organised conflict (including sanctions, military buildup and war). CGC can also help militate unsavoury legal practices which inhibit more urgent and profound use of a nation's legal system.
CGC is good for the world. Its characteristics are universally desirable. Individuals inherently seek outcomes historically associated with CGC. The peoples of the world at large cannot afford for CGC to fail. CGC may be the only way to mitigate for sinister variants of chaos and oppression which are resulting in diminishing freedoms for some of the world's most vulnerable groups.
Early adopters of methodological CGC, such as Australia, are laying the platform for the distribution and export of its effects. Societies and cultures around the world wishing to adopt CGC can expect to achieve similar outcomes to those in which it is already successfully in operation.
CGC is good for the individual.
CGC is a solutions based change management model with the potential to unite individuals. It is a methodology by which injustice, inequality and human rights violations can expect to be managed with measurable success.
Methodological CGC centres around individual value, the value of culture, and the value of appreciating diversity in a vast contextual range. Its role is to allow for progressive attitudes to be voiced, considered and refined for potential assimilation into the mainstream ether of the day. If accepted, new ideas and attitudes generated by CGC ripple out into the community where they value-add to the collective diversity already in circulation.
Diversity is good for individuals. It allows a wide range of personal perspectives and attitudes to relatively co-exist. CGC is good for people everywhere because it values a diverse range of individual freedoms, including the right to personal expression and independent thought.
CGC is designed to respect culturally imputed manifestations. Conventional CGC methodology supports members of a spectrally assorted civil society as they autonomously pursue (or create) self-relevant vocational and recreational outcomes, in keeping with culturally relevant religious or ethical requirements and beliefs.
CGC accounts for the human condition. It allows for individuals to learn from their own actions. Citizens practising CGC may evaluate their own attitudes within a social ecosystem that encourages personal development, learning and growth.
Application, longevity and inception.
Finance. Trade. Race Relations. Ethics. Healthcare. Defence. Religion. Politics. Foreign Affairs. Governance. Employment. Tourism. The aforementioned are some key areas in which methodological CGC is known to reward stakeholders. Scope of application is limitless by virtue of perpetual renewal - that is, as change occurs, new cycles of CGC are born.
A sound methodology.
The strength of CGC lies in embracing expressions of difference for the purpose of examining their properties. For this reason, CGC thrives when stakeholders are freely encouraged to voice concerns and attitudes with the intention of serving their own objectives, or those of their representative groups. By doing so in a free, lawful and safe manner, ideas are able to be balanced against a body of ensuing public debate for examination.
Is CGC different to democracy?
CGC methodology draws from similar historical analyses and interpretation of history to democracy. It differs from democracy in its capacity and scope, which centres mainly around individuals and the cultural groups they represent. It has less to do with the act of governance and creating laws, and more to do with facilitating the natural organic interactions that people experience on a daily basis.
CGC works best within a lawful democratic framework in which freedom of expression is encouraged. CGC affects grass roots democracy in that it unofficially interacts with and influences the social and cultural fabric (including business people, religious leaders and politicians).
Policing & Governing.
There is no penal oversight necessary for CGC to be an effective tool for desirable change. Making mistakes within its framework is not punishable. There are no penalties or fines associated with it. Judgements and opinions unearthed during its workings serve as providential learning tools and instruments for change. Lawful actions of individuals and groups are required for CGC to be effective. Breaking the law does not constitute CGC.
Adoption and cost, pace, measurement, efficacy and growth.
CGC is a borderless, non-denominational (non-religious), governmentally unaligned methodology with no rights or obligations. It does not require licensing and cannot be bought or sold - meaning, it does not accrue monetary royalties. It is expected that adoption of CGC will proliferate worldwide.
The efficacy of CGC may be enhanced by adopting long term strategic monitoring. Measurement of its results can be performed by scientists of psychology and philosophy. Data extrapolation is possible; however, utilising human resources (such as for the purposes of research and planning) requires financial backing. In principle, there is no monetary price associated with methodological CGC; however, implementing and researching CGC requires funding and resources.
CGC is a long term change management construct with two formats: cycle within cycle and oscillating. More actionable data emerges when analysing the long term outcomes of CGC (cycle within cycle - figure 2). Short term outcomes (oscillating - figure 3) can be challenging to delineate due to their inherent instability.
Growth of CGC is best described as slow and steady, with more favourable and accurate results being identified through analysis of its inter-generational influence.
Adoption and outcomes associated with CGC can go unnoticed by a cohort's percentile majority. CGC can independently affect individuals, peoples or groups differently. Entities may study its principles voluntary, however CGC need not [necessarily] be formally and knowingly adopted by a central mainstream. It can be applied by proxy of a scholarly ruling class (including business people, religious leaders, educators and politicians).
In the case of smaller groups or businesses CGC can be adopted by management (i.e. lead by example). Similarly, multi-national corporations can apply CGC utilising a top down strategy. The aforementioned techniques do not diminish CGC's desirable effects on group dynamics, nor do they result in undesirable outcomes for un-enlightened individuals within a populous.
How to find CGC.
Identifiable cases of CGC may not present themselves at face value. Conventional CGC operates with increasing frequency behind the scenes, where it can be best understood (researched, evaluated and improved upon by dedicated practitioners).
CGC is not a secret methodology; however, due to its demanding nature, including its tendency to highlight all of inherent human nature, it remains an unpopular scholarly pursuit. It would seem that knowingly partaking in the official ongoing research and improvement of CGC will likely remain the niche societal undertaking of a few.
Other uses (apart from diversity, integration and cultural applications).
In business, government and personal spheres, CGC modelling can be adapted to identify valuable change management initiatives in iteration based analyses and in the application of restructure theory.
Here to stay.
The only way to erase known instances of CGC is to track and nullify their footprint. The only way to stop active cases of CGC is to refuse to allow for its semi-spontaneous, organic outcomes. The only way CGC's desirable effects can be shut down is by removing the freedoms which inherently carry its mandate. For the aforementioned reasons, CGC is difficult, if not impossible to extinguish. Freedom and dignity are highly sought after virtues, therefore it's unlikely CGC will ever die.
Why is CGC valuable?
In some ways CGC is the only way to anticipate long term progress in areas such as individual, human and corporate rights. This makes for an important change management solution capable of improving the living standards of peoples worldwide.
Champions of Western civilisation and their critics.
Champions of Western civilisation can reply to its critics both within their ranks and externally by facilitating the efficacy and reach of CGC within democratic systems of government worldwide.
Critics of CGC’s usefulness become an expression of it. To shut down the evaluation of CGC’s efficacy is to diminish its value. Similarly, critics of Western civilisation are encouraged to examine its effects on the world stage.
The ongoing improvement of Western civilisation requires robust and meaningful critique within its influential ranks.