Book by Glenny Gardener.

The following three paragraphs are the first in my book. It’s a work in progress with 40,000 words already written. I have not yet decided on a title.

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Perhaps your use for this work of non-fiction—which so far as this manuscript’s classification is concerned represents a loosely framed terminology—will simply have it varnish you an interesting tale, with there being no greater purpose behind its function. I have, after all, taken it upon myself to deem this work’s inception a sublime act of artistic freedom—what I have come to coin for my own comic relief as practicing the ‘three L method’ of storytelling. I thereby employ Liberal Literary License to its full effect as though this volume were celestially aligned. Its coming to fruition has therefore failed to produce an exacting, chronologically aligned record of events, instead serving as an act of semi-autobiographical accountability. To this end, consider it as you might a divinely inspired religious text of sorts, upon which imposing an exclusively literal interpretation, in every sense of the term, might diminish its potency. Indeed, if you find yourself repulsed by such comparisons, then you might rightly decline any further investigation into my story, thereby reducing whatever minuscule losses have thus far been accrued by engaging with what ‘in effect’ represents the first few verses of genesis chapter one, of my own proprietorially commissioned bible.

Thus comes to an abrupt conclusion what might vaguely resemble a sales pitch connected to our interface, or rather the antithesis of, for in lieu of this book’s examination on adequately contextualised grounds, I may well prefer any lesser inclined parishioner—the kind likely to disengage their higher faculties—simply vacate the temple well in advance of the ceremony. Such candour is by no means intended to endorse a climate of absolutism or blind compliance, far from it, rather only to suggest a well endowed allotment of fair play accompany any such pointed scrutiny. This is the sort of wholesome debate, both within my own private deliberations as well in the course of open discussion, which I pray be the primary by-product of this book’s consumption.

As will become abundantly clear in due course, I make no apologies for aforementioned creative liberties as well any lofty expectations regards this book’s critique, choosing instead to revel in one’s god-endowed right to free artistic expression, as well the freedom to engage with whichever audience be considered worthy of their toil. Nonetheless, one should not assume on this basis that there is little of substance to be found in these pages … on the contrary, for any revelations likely to materialise as you baptise yourself in my story may prove to be of utmost profundity, having to do with the essence of life itself.

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