Welcome to my catalogue.

Records are archived chronologically by latest release; by year and month of submission; and, by category.

Works reviewed, thereby edited or amended subsequent to completion are indicated by month and year of their original composition.

Search facility targets author’s tags and headings by keyword or specific phrase. Body copy is excluded.

Works may be purchased by word count as a permanent link or as settable copy. The right of third parties to exclusively publish individual pieces may be negotiated on a case by case basis.

The author welcomes collaboration, therefore may be commissioned for specific works if the suggested topic is deemed by him compelling or of personal interest.

Length of commissioned, collaborative and existing works may be variated for use case. Synopses may in some instances be generated from original material, as well short format pieces may be expounded to facilitate more analysis and additional angles of enquiry.

The author is open to word suggestions, swap-outs and phrasing alterations, including modified or reimagined headings, as well word count adjustments by consent on a case by case basis.

The author will work with outlets to facilitate age appropriate, or audience specific objectives, thus utilising themeiologies herein as a basis to produce modified works; engage in material rewrites; or, generate new content accordingly.

Notify the author of typos; words used poorly or incorrectly; words which are out of place or lack clarity or context; punctuation anomalies or any other general suggestions or improvements.

All archives remain ongoing works in progress, therefore indefinitely subject to the author’s editorial discretion.

Further information regarding formats and pricing can be obtained by emailing Glenny Gardener (glennygardener@gmail.com). Please include a short introduction as to the nature of your enquiry.

© 2024-2025. All works are subject to copyright.